
Archive for the ‘Introduction’ Category

Religion…God dammit

I’d like to start off by saying…i’m basically an athiest. Actually, perhaps im more of an agnostic, which is almost worse than an athiest. I can’t even commit to the fact that i don’t think there is a God, so i settle with…’there might be a God and if he comes down to smite us all at least I didn’t totally deny Him, hell, it might give me a fighting chance’.
Talk about hedging your bets.
I’m a terrible blashemer. I’ve frequently eaten red meat on Good Friday. And I’m pretty sure at one point in my life I got confused as to whether Christmas was the birth of Jesus or the death and disappearance act I now know as Easter.

Ok, I guess I am pretty much doomed for eternity in the firey pits of a possibly exisiting hell. Lucky me

My only real affinity with any type of religion is the musical Jesus Christ Superstar. I love it. I love the idea of a singing and dancing Jesus. If you havn’t seen a production of it or the movie, i highly reccommend it. It taught me all i know about religion. And when you think about it, isn’t religion just a song and dance anyway?

 It’s not like i dont like the idea of religion, I do. The fact that there is someone, a higher power, watching over you, and that when you die, you dont just rot in the ground and get devoured by worms. But I just don’t see how so many people, most of the world, can believe so strongly in a God of somesort when there is the logical, scientific explanation of evolution. Darwin my dear friend, I’m with you all the way.

The comedic genuis that is Ross Noble recently said that religion, and the people who believe in it, are stupid – which drew an eerie “oooooo” from the crowd as if we all expected him to be struck down by lightening then and there. I’m not sure I’d call the religious stupid, I’d be far more inclined to go with ‘wierd.’ Take for example the Bone Chapel’s scattered across the world. Weird.

Perhaps I’m slightly resentful of religion for causing so much craziness in the world – even though religion is mainly just used as an excuse to hide other more sordid reasons for the many problems going on today.

Anyway, I thought you should all vaguely know my stance on religion. You don’t have to agree with me, and I sincerely hope I havn’t offended anyone because that was definitely not my intention. In fact, try and convert me, show me the light ( so that I can be like Jake Blues from the Blues Brothers and do backflips yelling “i have seeeen the liiiiight”)

So that is the end of my introduction. May God be with you all, I dont think he is with me…then again…i don’t want to commit……….

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